Monday, June 27, 2011

Switched at Birth Season 1 Episode 4: Dance Amongst Daggers


Kathyrn hosts the annual school benefit at the Kennish residence, where her new family becomes a spectacle for all of Mission Hills to gossip about. Toby and his friend Wilke's band are excited to perform at the benefit, but they're in need of a drummer, so Emmett, Daphne deaf friend fill in the position which they discovered that Emmett has amazing talent in drums. Meanwhile, Melody and John appear to be establishing a bond during the party. As the Kennishes friends and neighbors speculate about the family's real situation, Kathryn has a difficult time accepting Melody as husband's new friend. And to make the matter worse Regina accepts a dinner invitation from the ex-husband of one of Kathyrn's best friends.

On the other hand, Daphne is faced with a heartbreaking decision, whether to choose between a family she barely knows and an exciting new love interest who makes her feel that being deaf is not an issue.

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